Read on for any current offers or last minute dates that we have available! Click on our Frequently Asked Questions for all of the nitty gritty details.
A glass of sparkling wine for the guests first reception drink
A Bottle of Fizz for the Bride and Groom to take home
Glittering cupcake station featuring glittering macarons and edible gold dusted cup cakes
Sparklers for all guests to light up the sky as the sun sets for that special golden hour photo
Extra Festoon lighting around the outside of the Marquee, to give that special night time shimmer
A "Happily Ever After" or equivalent neon sign to take home as a keepsake and to remind you of your special day

A detailed breakdown of the finer details of planning an event here at Meadow & Marquee.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions!